Nadeem Lutfullah ProfileNadeem Lutfullah

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Abu Ibrahim
Abu IbrahimOman

After dealing with some very bad experiences with career advisors, I almost gave up on the hope of finding a devoted mentor. I was at the end of finishing my bachelor’s degree and quite lost about my career plan after graduation. Then, a very close friend recommended ‘Find the Ladder’ to me, and ever since, it has become a silent mentor.


I randomly found this book on the internet one day, and the very interesting synopsis caught my attention. Halfway into reading it, my mind was blown. This book is exactly what a fresh graduate like me needed to bridge the major gap between my dream job and me. I feel so blessed I found it at the right moment in life.


Honestly speaking, I was struggling to get out of my current job’s toxic environment, but the fear of not finding another placement haunted me for a while. At least until I read this incredible book. All those radical strategies to navigate the AI smoothly made me fall in love with the most relatable and relevant life-changing script. That one thing that helped me crack interviews, beating the cutthroat competition.

About Nadeem Lutfullah

Trainer, career coach and author – Nadeem Lutfullah is in the limelight for his latest noteworthy release, ‘Find the Ladder’. He has been a major part of corporate diligence for almost forty years, and his marvellous writing style speaks for it. Also, his rich knowledge of the recruitment and human resource field is commendable. Perhaps this is why, despite living in Dubai, UAE, his book is thriving in many nations around the globe. Hence, before you think this is another fastened scrap of printed paper, you must understand that he knows what he is talking about.

He has become a national favourite for using mind-stirring examples, such as the one where he associates a job-seeking employee with a tree. He reflected through his writing that a man can only flourish (like a tree) when he has deep enough values (roots). Moreover, his social media handles also suggest how invested he is in serving unemployed individuals with a revolutionary approach.

A true enthusiast, Nadeem nicely blends his industrial insights with the cultural perspective to facilitate collaborative workshops for his clients. His passionate concerns about job-seeking folks are evident in his recent script, which caters to fresh graduates, young professionals, and junior to mid-career job aspirants. In a nutshell, he stands by every human who has a hunger to climb up the corporate ladder.

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